03 July 2009

"Dream Home" William Reichard

Today's poem is "Dream Home," by William Reichard. You can whisked away, to it, by clicking here.

Reichard is from Minnesota, and has published a book of poetry,
This Brightness: Poems. There is a short review of the book, where he is quoted:

“I learned a lot about storytelling from watching old movies on television. A visual method of dramatizing mood and message plays out in my poetry, so I owe as much to Hollywood as I do to any specific school of poetic form when it comes to the success of my own creative work.”

"Dream House" begins happily enough, panning the "elegant yet simple" world "south of here." The pleasures—outdoor breakfasts and afternoon swims—only becomes melancholy in the last lines, where the illusion cedes to reality, and only sad, longing voices remain to answer the televisional cry: "And we do, oh Lord. Yes we do."

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